Webbsfield solar consultation

Webbsfield solar consultation

GowerPower.coop introductory talk 8__4_14

Some of you will have seen us either at one of our events or if not standing by a stall at Gower farmers markets each weekend for the last 6 weeks. We are in the middle of writing up the consultation report that will go in our planning application (to be submitted later this month). We have been overwhelmed by the level of support.

Consultation sketty
We spoke to well over 200 people.

148 people filled in a questionnaire.

133 were in support. 73 of those wanted to be active supporters.

Only 15 were undecided.

ZERO were against.

There were a variety of concerns expressed which we are looking into in more detail and we will make sure we address these before submitting our planning application (due to be submitted in the next couple of weeks).

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